News Articles

Cakratech Project Presentation day with Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET)

Posted on 25 January 2020

Bangkok, Thailand  (11/07/2019)  

The modern era of the Thai capital market can be divided into two phases, beginning with the Bangkok Stock Exchange, which was privately owned, and followed by the Securities Exchange of Thailand. On January 1st, 1991. Bangkok Stock Exchange was formally changed the name of the company into the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET). Since then, they provide two types of Market which are : 

Primary Market 

Any company wishing to issue new securities via an initial public offering (IPO) or offer additional securities to the public requires approval from the SEC and must comply with its filing requirements

Secondary Market 

Following the initial public offering, securities may be traded in the secondary market once the issuer has applied for and been granted approval by the SET.  

To create a bigger company Cakratech must innovate and build wider relations with other foreign companies in purpose to earn more exposure and winning new business. Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) gave us a chance to present an application demo of our main product Nayaga Digital which consisting of Trading Platform, Software As a Service, Operational Tools, Compliance & Risk Tools and Specific Product Define by Client & Business. We believed our product could develop the Trading System of the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET).